Colin and Mike originally approached me back in 2015 when they first had the idea to start a brewery. Back then they hadn't yet decided on a name, but two years of hard work and a lot of beer testing later, Colin and Mike came back to me on the verge of releasing their first beer under the name 'Spartan', looking for a visual identity to cover all aspects of the business.
The word mark itself is based on the Spartan/Greek alphabet, and specifically the word Λακεδαίμων, or 'Lacedaemon', which refers to the main cluster of settlements in the valley of the Eurotas River: Sparta.

I hand-inked each letter of the ancient alphabet to create a bold, rough graphic style, communicating a sense of urgency, readiness and a no-nonsense approach which reflects Colin and Mike's own approach to the brewing process. I then used these original Greek letterforms to create a textured background for packaging, with a modern alphabet created in the same style to pick out specific details where the copy needed to be legible.